Our Team
Michael Bruce, CPA, CA
He graduated with a business degree from Western University, Huron College. He is a board member of the Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Foundation.
Mike resides with his family in the Niagara region. Not one to miss an opportunity the Niagara region offers, he is an avid (not scratch) golfer and a fair-weather sailor.
Richard Williamson, CPA, CA
Over the years, Rick has volunteered with Scouts Canada, been church treasurer of West St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and the treasurer and past president of the West St. Catharines Business Association. He now sits on the Board of Hospice Niagara and is a member of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce.
Darren Luchka, CPA, CGA
Prior to Niagara College, he graduated from Lakehead University (B. Admin. 2000) and subsequently, he received his CGA designation in 2006. Currently, Darren resides in St. Catharines with his wife and three children.